Monday, October 20, 2008

Yadda yadda

Mmmm. I am loving life quite lots at the moment. Schools good! Even though ive missed so many English classes the teacher counts all the classes ive missed to the whole class. Haha

Bitch >=[

Speaking of bitches… I think I’ve sorted an actually nonexistent relation ship. Yenno just the odd hello or whatever or the odd evil look. Right that makes no sense. But, Well this girl, not a friend more of an acquaintance… I just did not know if she liked me or not! And the only reason it bothered me was because well she liked me one day then just didn’t. I’m really not the type of person to not get along with someone. I try my best to get along with people no matter what they have done.
Well if they do something to me then I have a reason but I still try to forgive and forget as much as possible. I think that’s one of the good characteristics I have embedded in my 5 foot something body. I’m surprised there’s room for more. Ha!

But yea. I think our acquaintance could possibly evolve into a friendship. I hope so. Because I generally like the girl.
I thought she was playing games with me when she started hanging of him… but no. she just get’s along
with him. Nothing to be jealous about!


And well. I had a fucking great weekend! Me and him sorted everything out. But I love the cunt! And I don’t care anymore. There’s still something there. We both know it.
We have both said it.

I actually love that boy more than I did now. We just had the greatest weekend since well. Ever. We laughed so hard and I just cant picture things without him.
It was to good to be true. I mean he made a mistake.. But so did I. so I forgave him again! And now its just. Ah. I don’t know.

I love him. LOTS.
I may only be 16 but I still have a heart and plenty of room in there for him.

Il est autre chose.

Never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about


Sachi said...

Hii hun.
I think I know who you are talking about with that girl...
No I'm not being one of those sad eejits that like use "this girl I know" as a name fer me, coz I think I've spoken to your boy maybe twice ever... Don't think he likes me very much..
But anyway!
If you are talking about that girl we both know, the one I know quite well? Then you've nothing to worry about.
She wishes you the best of luck with him.
As do I.
You deserve the very best you can get, bbz.
Rii xxxx

Bloo said...

thank you. :)

Meh i dont see stuff happening now with us

but still!

im getting along with her quite okay! :)

i dont like not liking people lol! so thats good!

shes really nice!